Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Wedding Color Debate

One of the most common questions I receive during this wedding planning process has been "What are your wedding colors?" My answer is always "Ummm..."

You see, when I was going to pick out colors, I had to think of which colors I like and colors that I personally would wear. Blue, Green, Pink, Purple, and Neutrals. Well, that didn't narrow much down at all.

I've read everywhere that you are only supposed to have two wedding colors. I have tried to only have two colors, really! I scoured Pinterest. I've watched all the wedding shows. I made a decision.

What did I come up with? Blue, Green, Pink, Purple, and Neutrals. Here's how I am making it work:
  1. The bridesmaids are wearing light gray (platinum, to be exact), the groomsmen in black, me-white. That's a pretty big neutral backsplash for a wedding. Any other big items will be neutral as well, primarily gray.
  2. We are bringing in the rest of the colors in the flowers, with a bed of green as the base.
  3. We aren't going for the matchy-matchy vibe. We want a more "collected over time" look. Some weddings match too much or are too over the top. It can get to be tacky. My style is not so avant-garde. Our goal is to throw a big garden party focused on love and family. 
  4. We (and I am using the term "we" lightly here as The Man doesn't care about colors, as long as he wasn't wearing a pink tux) chose colors that were in the same family of tones, which gives them a cohesive look.
  5. We did our research, then added in what makes us unique and fun. It's our party, and we will be the ones who have to look at the pictures for the rest of our lives.
The moral of this post is: sometimes rules are there for a reason. Going outside that box makes your creation uniquely yours. And yes, pics when the wedding happens. In June.


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