Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Planner

While I'd love for the world to see me as Mary Poppins (practically perfect in every way), most of the time, I need a little help. Be that as it may, I've been known to be pretty efficient when I try. I have a planner system that works to keep me focused even at my most ADD moments. My trick? Make everything a task.

This is my Friday. My to-do list ends
up much longer as I think of things.
I write down everything in my planner. I use it as an appointment book, a to-do list, goal log, and note keeper. And yes, I check everything off after completion. It feels good when you've accomplished even the most mundane tasks to get it off your mind and move onto the next thing on your list. Switched the laundry-check! I don't necessarily do things in order, depending on the time things take and the mood my brain is in. So if I just don't feel like editing photos right now, I can type out the blog posts I have written on paper. Not in the creative mood? I can scrub floors now or exercise. You don't have to get as detailed as I do with what items I consider tasks, but this system really works for me. Called Mom-check!

Also, if I do something that I was going to do at a later date, or if something pops up and wasn't on my list, I add it to the list and check it off. So maybe I didn't get to clean out the microwave today... I did organize the linen closet, and that wasn't originally on my plan. Check! The microwave will have to be added on another day's list, but I don't feel bad about it. This system not only makes you feel more productive, you actually become more productive as a result.

Goals! Again, this list gets longer as we go.
I create monthly goals in my planner that I reference often to make sure I'm staying on track. These include a small list of household projects I want to accomplish, diet and exercise goals, reading I want to do, larger work projects, etc. This has been especially helpful in the wedding planning process.

Near the end of the month, I set aside a few minutes to review my monthly goals and create new goals for next month (yes, I schedule it in my planner). The purpose of this is not to beat yourself up over what you didn't accomplish but to always be mindful of what you want to do for yourself. It works, too.

Currently, I have the Moleskine "Colour a Month" 12 month daily planner. I like that it separates by month into small planners that fit into almost any purse and has tons of room in the day for to-do lists. I don't normally use the time slots as such unless I have many meetings in the day. I normally just put my to-do list and then list my meetings (and TV shows) near the bottom of the page so they are extra noticeable among the days events. I use the notes section in the back for my goals. I really have to think about what ink I put in here so it doesn't show through the other side, and I have to carry an extra small piece of blotting paper so my ink doesn't smear on the next page. Be that as it may, it's been a super convenient planning tool, and I love it. I think my next year's planner, which I have narrowed down to three, will display the whole week slightly smaller than my current setup, and then have a running to-do list on the side. I don't mind a heftier book to make this happen. I'll be going over the best planner options for 2014 later this week.

I have been known to write grocery lists in my planner, tracking information, phone numbers, etc. It helps to have everything organized in one place for quick reference. And if I notice myself getting off task, I check the planner and realign myself. For me, it adds a mindfulness into what you do. Remember, if it isn't written down, it can easily be forgotten (write that down).

You can find some really interesting customization options for planners all over the internet. For me, I like to stick with sticky notes, no pun intended, like these.
  • Post about my everyday organizational planner. Check!


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