Thursday, October 24, 2013

Baby B's Blanket

Details and colors, up close.
I have been spending A LOT of my time lately knitting a blanket for one of my best friends' brand-new baby girl. I don't think I have ever worked on a project this massive or time-consuming in my life. Let me preface this by saying that this little girl already has more baby blankets than most, and she was literally born yesterday. Knowing this, I felt like I wanted to create something that the little chicky can grow into and continue to use throughout her teen years, so I didn't make it all pink (gasp!).

Needless to say, the blanket is huge. It is large enough to completely cover a single bed, and can be used as a throw blanket for a family. Oh, and have I mentioned that it took 23 balls of yarn to complete? True story. But it will be warm and snuggle-ready, which is the whole point. You may or may not be able to gather the size and quality of the blanket in the pictures in this post. Was not feeling the best so photography and editing was a foggy-headed rush job. Sorry everyone, but hope you get the point.

I've learned a lot about myself during this project.
Blanket size
1. It's hard to start a giant knitting project when you are a little rusty.
2. Detachable knitting needles are not meant for large, heavy projects. They will detach, as their name suggests, at the slightest provocation, for anything over 3 pounds. Imagine many panicked moments and hours of reassembly.
3. I'm not the fastest knitter, and probably shouldn't try to make a living off of it.
4. I am so excited to play with a little baby and be a part of a tiny life. I'm pretty much dying over how cute these picture are.
5. Knitting, when it's not frustrating, can almost act as meditation. It can be done while headachey, sleepy, angry, etc. with no impact to the final product. Headachey is a word, right?
6. This one took me a while to figure out. I can watch TV and talk on the phone while knitting. Multitasking is awesome!

The detachable part of the needles.            The final package is all set to be shipped!

I finished this cuddly blanket yesterday, yes, the day the baby was born, and it feels like a poetic end. I am feeling excitement and a twinge of sadness now that the project is over. Likely, I am going to want a minor hiatus from knitting based on the amount of time/focus that this one took. What should my next project be?


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