Tuesday, December 3, 2013

My Thoughts on New TV shows

Hey all! I wanted to do a quick thank you, because my little blog is quickly getting noticed! Thanks for helping make that happen!

I'd recently given up cable, and have had to completely change my TV watching habits. I was going cold turkey from the tube for a while, but The Man needed mindless distractions from his workaholism, and so we wandered back to TVland. We started watching a few new shows, and some of them we liked, some we didn't. Here's my take on the best, and the rest.

Note: I was going to save this post for later, because I have so many posts mostly written, it could be comical. However, I wanted to share this first TV show before you are unable to watch it for free online.
The Paradise: You know the public broadcasting station... back east we called it PBS, here it's OPB. I don't know what you call it, but have you heard of Downton Abbey? I confess, I'm wayyy behind, but I don't have the time to watch three seasons of anything right now. I have to keep reminding myself that I'm not in college anymore.

Well, if you love Downton Abbey, or if you wanted to watch it but can't commit so many hours of your life, try The Paradise. The first season just aired (I caught it randomly at the tail end) and is available online for FREE until December 17th. There are only seven episodes in the first season (technically eight, but the first two were aired as one long episode), so it is perfect for those who are afraid of a long time commitment. And once you start watching, you will see why it was so urgent for me to get this post out to you ASAP.

Brief outline: Adapted from Au Bonheur des Dames by Emile Zola, a country girl moves to the city and starts working for a department store. Did I mention it was set in the late 1800s?

Almost Human: There have only been a few episodes yet, and the first few were rather choppy, but I am calling this a must-see. The casting is just incredible (and attractive), and the action is exactly what I need on a Monday night (at 8/7c). Catch up with the first four episodes here, and then get on the bandwagon.

Brief outline: Brought to you by J.J. Abrams (Star Trek, anyone?), a no-nonsense cop with nothing to lose (isn't that how all action movie heroes are described?) needs an android partner, because the future is dangerous.

Agents of Shield: Another action show, this one brought to you by Marvel and Joss Whedon, who brought us the Avengers and Buffy the Vampire Slayer (a personal favorite, don't judge). If you've seen any of the recent Marvel shows, then this is probably right up your alley. No outline needed, just watch it.

Super Fun Night, The Crazy Ones, The Millers, The Goldbergs, and Mom have also received a bit of attention at my house. But they unfortunately didn't make my must-watch-every-week list. I like humorous shows, and these all bring laughs, but they just haven't captured me fully, no matter how awesome Buffy Sarah Michelle Gellar is or how funny Fat Amy Rebel Wilson or GOB Will Arnett is. I watch them, when they are on and I notice, but they haven't captured me.

I know there are other new shows that I haven't mentioned. I am only one girl, and my interests are spread thin as of late. Any new shows that have sealed in your viewership?


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